Hydrolyzed collagen peptides what is it : 1 Easy Guide to peptides.

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Hydrolyzed collagen peptides what is it : 1 Easy Guide to peptides.

Hydrolyzed collagen peptides what is it? How does it vary from ordinary collagen? and why it may hold the key to restoring skin health. Lets make a well-informed look at a viable answer.

Overwhelmed by the tsunami of skincare cocktails that promise the world but offer little? It’s almost as though the industry lives off our expectations, solutions that seldom live up to their promises.

I realize how frustrating it is to browse through multiple formulae. In this essay, we’ll cut through the noise to look at an ingredient that has proved to be beneficial. Hydrolyzed collagen: a possible game changer in the skincare industry.

Will go over the hydrolyzed collagen question. How it is made, as well as the academic reasoning supporting its efficacy. A comprehensive guide to understanding why hydrolyzed collagen might be worth your attention.

Welcome to dermfoll, And Let’s help me, help you, help us figure out, what is the deal with collagen peptides! By the end, I hope to switch your skepticism into informed optimism. Presenting you with valuable insights and perhaps the answer to your skincare challenges.

Hydrolyzed collagen peptides what is it ?

Hydrolyzed collagen is collagen that has been broken down into smaller parts. These parts are called peptides. The breakdown process occurs through hydrolysis. where “hydro” refers to water and “lysis” means “to break”. In this context, hydrolysis breaks the peptide bonds in the collagen protein, to give potent peptides.

Its purpose is to allow the collagen peptides to move in, to get absorbed and to get utilized by your skin.

But what’s the difference between hydrolyzed collagen and collagen peptides?

In essence, hydrolyzed collagen and collagen peptides are pretty much the same thing. Collagen that has been broken down into smaller, more manageable pieces. The terms are often used interchangeably, which can cause confusion. Hopefully, Not anymore!

Soo all you need to know is that both these terms describe collagen that has undergone hydrolysis.

Should you consider upgrading to hydrolyzed collagen ? The answer lies in its benefits:

  • Enhanced Absorption: Unlike regular collagen. hydrolyzed collagen peptides are small enough to penetrate the skin’s surface. Especially effective for individuals who have a need for deeper hydration and nourishment.
  • Improved Skin Health: With maturity and external stressors on the skin. The dermis looses essential amino acids. hydrolyzed collagen; or in this context the the “peptides”, fills this loss in amino acids. As in, the peptides contain these Amino acids.
  • Versatility: These peptides can be administered in various forms. As a topical solution, in the form of creams and lotions. As an Oral supplements, incorporated into your dietary / daily routine. And finally for more pronounced results in a shorter timespan, Injectables. A method that is often used in Dermatological and aesthetic settings.

How is hydrolyzed collagen made

It is made by partial hydrolysis of collagen. It is a process that breaks down the peptide bonds of the collagen protein. Broken down into smaller, absorbable peptides.

{R1-CO——NH-R2 } + {H-2O} →{R1-COOH} + {R2-NH2}

There are 3 general types of hydrolysis. Two of which come under chemical methods and 1 under enzymatic:

Chemical Hydrolysis of collagen:

  • Acid Hydrolysis of Collagen: This method of partial hydrolysis of collagen employs strong acids to break down collagen. Acids such as hydrochloric acid, breaking the peptide bonds. Resulting in smaller collagen peptides. This process is efficient but can be harsh, And may affect the integrity of some amino acids.
  • Alkaline Hydrolysis: The method uses bases. like sodium hydroxide. It is less common in skincare. Reason being that they alter the structure of the peptides significantly.

Enzymatic Hydrolysis of collagen:

Enzymatic partial hydrolysis of collagen relies on certain enzymes, that include proteases. This approach is more regulated, targeted, and gentler as opposed to chemical hydrolysis.

Retaining the functional properties of peptides. The outcome is more sophisticated. The peptides have the necessary molecular weight range and increased bioactivity.

What is Partial Hydrolysis of Collagen ?

Partial hydrolysis of collagen refers to the process where collagen is only partially broken down into peptides. Resulting in a mix of larger and smaller fragments. This method aims to balance the benefits of both larger peptides and smaller hydrolyzed collagen peptides .

But why have different sized collagen peptides? Larger fragments can form a protective barrier on the skin, that prevents trans-epidermal water loss. while smaller peptides penetrate deeper. well touch on this in the coming segments of this article.

So How Does Hydrolysis Of Collagen Help?

It helps to improve the Bioavailability of the necessary peptides. And The Effectiveness of treatments:

  • Bioavailability: Hydrolyzed collagen peptides, particularly those produced by enzymatic hydrolysis, are more readily absorbed. Their tiny size helps them to effectively penetrate the skin’s barrier. The improved bioavailability allows for more effective skin healing processes.
  • Effectiveness: Hydrolysis makes good utilization of collagen in skincare. These peptides can induce fibroblasts to make more collagen. Increase skin hydration while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

How Does Size Of The Peptide Determine It’s Usefulness?

I wont get too technical and put any unwanted cognitive load on your cranium, wink! We’ll solely discuss enough to understand how this benefits Us. Please stay with me, it’ll all make sense by the end of this segment.

Molecular weight refers to the mass of a molecule and directly related with the size of the molecule. For collagen peptides, molecular weight is measured in Daltons (Da).

How is the Size of Collagen Peptides measured?

The molecular weight of collagen peptides is measured using techniques such as:

  • Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC): This method separates molecules based on size. allowing for the determination of molecular weight distribution.
  • Mass Spectrometry: This technique measures the mass-to-charge ratio of ions. Helps to determine the precise molecular weight of peptides.
  • Electrophoresis: A method that separates peptides based on their size and charge. Providing an estimate of molecular weight.

Can hydrolyzed collagen absorbed into skin?

The molecular weight of these collagen peptides dictates their ability to penetrate the skin. And also what roll they play in skin hydration and anti aging.

Collagen Peptides Low Molecular Weight

  • Penetration : Peptides less than 10,000 Daltons are small enough to penetrate the outer layer of the skin. Also called as the stratum corneum. These smaller peptides can reach the deeper layers of the epidermis and dermis.
  • Deep Hydration and Collagen Stimulation: They penetrate deeper into the skin. Where they stimulate fibroblasts. This stimulation promotes the synthesis of new collagen. Leading to restored skin elasticity and reduced wrinkles.

Collagen Peptides High Molecular Weight

  • Peptides greater than 10,000 Daltons are too large to penetrate the skin deeply. These larger peptides tend to remain on the skin’s surface. Forming a protective barrier that retains moisture. Providing immediate hydration and stopping trans-epidermal water loss.

How Smaller Peptides Penetrate the Skin More Effectively?

Peptides with a molecular weight of less than 10,000 Daltons are considered small.

  • These peptides have a higher penetration ability. Passing through the outermost layer of the skin A.K.A the stratum corneum. They reach the deeper layers of your epidermis and dermis.
  • Once absorbed, these peptides can stimulate fibroblasts to produce more collagen.
  • These Smaller peptides navigate through the tight junctions between skin cells. Effectively Reaching target cells and tissues. Resulting in hydration and cellular regeneration.

How Are Larger Collagen Peptides Important?

Peptides with a molecular weight greater than 10,000 Daltons tend to remain on the surface, due to there size, and that’s a good thing.

  • The primary function of larger peptides is to form a protective barrier. Creating a hydrating film on the skin’s surface.
  • This barrier helps to lock in moisture, prevent transepidermal water loss (TEWL). Also protecting the skin from environmental damage.
  • Immediate hydration is one reason why many incorporate larger peptides in there formulas. Along with the evident smoother, more supple skin texture.

However, There is no dilemma on what to choose. As Skincare formulations often include a combination of both to maximize benefits. Smaller peptides penetrate deeply to rejuvenate the skin from within. while larger peptides support the skin’s barrier function. Addressing immediate, as well as long-term concerns.

How do Peptides Stimulate Collagen Production?

Hydrolyzed collagen peptides interact with fibroblasts. Fibroblast are cells responsible for producing collagen in the skin.

Hydrolyzed collagen/ peptides activate collagen production. The smaller peptides Activate Fibroblasts by binding to receptors on the surface of fibroblasts. This triggers signaling pathways in the fibroblast cells. Leading to production of collagen. Collagen peptides bind to receptors such as

  • integrins, and
  • proteoglycans

Binding of the peptides to the receptors then activates kinases and transcription factors. And this kinases and transcription factors in turn stimulate collagen gene expression.

Which Pathways help in Collagen Production ?

Think of Pathways as movement of specific information that tells the cell to perform a specific function.

Here is a brief explanation of the 3 important pathways activated. And there responsibilities.

  1. TGF-beta (Transforming Growth Factor-beta):
  • Role: TGF-beta is a key player in collagen production.
  • Process: When collagen peptides stimulate skin fibroblasts, they activate the TGF-beta pathway. This activation sends signals inside the fibroblast cell, leading to the production of collagen.
  1. MAPK/ERK Pathway:
  • Role: Promotes cell growth and differentiation.
  • Effect: Accelerates the fibroblast’s ability to produce more collagen.
  1. PI3K/AKT Pathway:
  • Role: Supports cell survival and growth.
  • Effect: Keeps fibroblasts active and capable of producing collagen.

Is Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein Based?

  • Hydrolyzed Collagen is a rich Source of amino acids. When ingested or applied topically. The peptides are further broken down into their constituent amino acids I.e. glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline.
  • These amino acids are readily absorbed by the skin cells. And are Incorporated into new collagen fibers. Glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline can be considered as “the big 3” in collagen synthesis. They form the repetitive sequence chains that gives collagen its unique triple-helix structure.

Now, lets credit each of “the Big 3” on the part they play in supporting your skin’s firmness and structure.

Why Does our Skin Need Glycine, Proline, and Hydroxyproline


  • The smallest amino acid, glycine. Most abundant in collagen. Keeps the triple helix structure of collagen tightly packed. Giving a foundation, structural stability and flexibility to collagen fibers.


  • Proline facilitates and organizes the helical structure of collagen. Majorly contributes by providing rigidity.


  • Stabilizes the collagen triple helix through hydrogen bonding. Maintains the integrity and strength of collagen fibrils. Responsible for the firmness and elasticity.

This is how hydrolyzed collagen/collagen peptides contribute in Collagen Fibril Formation. Generating collagen that is strong, resilient, and capable of maintaining skin structure.


In conclusion, hydrolyzed collagen is a potent skincare ingredient. Providing your skin with essential Amino acids. We analyzed what it is, how it is created, and why it may be necessary for restoring skin health.

How has your experience been with peptides? Have you found them useful in your skincare routine? Share your tales with our community.

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of hydrolyzed collagen. You should consider reading our next post. We will go over the benefits and applications of hydrolyzed collagen in depth. Interested in testing out the most recent dermatologist-approved formulas?